Home Flintshire Information Community Contacts MPs, AMs & Councilllors

MPs and AMs in Flintshire

Members of Parliament for Flintshire

David Hanson MP

Constituency - Delyn

House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.

Tel - House of Commons: 020 7219 5064; Email - hansond@parliament.uk

Constituency Office: 64 Chester Street, Flint, Flintshire CH6 5DH.

Tel - Constituency: 01352 763159.

Mark Tami MP

Constituency - Alyn and Deeside

House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

Tel - House of Commons: 0207 219 8174; Fax - House of Commons: 0207 219 1943; Email - tamim@parliament.uk

Constituency Office: Deeside Enterprise Centre,

Rowleys Drive, Shotton, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 1PP.

Tel - Constituency: 01244 819854; Fax - Constituency: 02144 823854.

Assembly Members for Flintshire

Sandy Mewies AM

Constituency - Delyn

National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF99 1NA.

Tel - National Assembly: 029 2089 8736.

Constituency Office: Transport House, 64 Chester Street, Flint CH6 5DH.

Tel - Constituency: 01352 763398; Fax - Constituency: 01352 763398.

Carl Sargeant AM

Constituency - Alyn and Deeside

National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF99 1NA.

Tel - National Assembly: 029 2089 8736.

Constituency Office: Deeside Enterprise Centre, Rowleys Drive, Shotton, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 1PP.

Tel - Constituency: 01244 823547; Fax - Constituency: 01244 823548.