Dec 12 2011 By Antonia Jones
Mint treat is a must for Mary
This recipe was submitted by Mary Jones from Lixm, Holywell who said this is her simplest recipe and a "must" for her family every Christmas.
1.Take one egg white whisk lightly and add peppermint essence, (the stronger essence can be bought in any good chemists but the catering sort will be OK)
2. Add sifted icing sugar until you can roll out the mixture.
3. Find the smallest cutter you can and cut out the rolled mixture.
4.Put greaseproof paper onto a cooling rack and put the sweets on the paper to dry out.
5. A week is a good length of time but there are no rules.
6.You can decorate the creams with chocolate or piped icing or just eat them as they are.
The sooner they are made the harder they will be. You can easily double or treble the quantities.
Mary said: "When drying hide them from the family or there will be none left. My family love this and I'm in trouble if I don’t make them. I originally made them as an economy drive when we were first married over 40 yrs ago now they prefer these to bought peppermint creams."
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