Aug 26 2010 by Dave Goodban, Flintshire Chronicle
Phyl May with her granddaughter Beth and their scarecrow PC Rae
A NOVEL traffic-calming measure is ensuring drivers don’t speed through a rural village.
A scarecrow dressed as a policeman – standing at almost 6ft – is keeping an eye on motorists driving along the 60mph Loggerheads Road in Cilcain.
The ‘officer’ has been named PC Rae by Phyl May and her seven-year-old granddaughter Beth, who created him for the scarecrow competition at the coming Cilcain Village Show.
“We put it out on Sunday and it has had a wonderful effect – he’s got a reflective jacket and police hat on and people are noticeably slowing down because they think it’s real!
“It’s hilarious!”
More than a dozen scarecrows are expected at this year’s show on bank holiday monday at the village hall field, Mountain Road.
“There are some wonderful ones, but this one’s really having an effect,” said Phyl, who lives on Loggerheads Road.
Cilcain councillor Owen Thomas said he was glad PC Rae was helping improve safety in the village.
He added: “I live on a lane and I must admit sometimes when I see those imitation cows in shows I feel like taking one home and sticking it by the gate to slow people down!”
The main event at the all-day show on Monday will be annual mountain race, which sees scores of runners race to the top of Moel Famau and back down again.
As well as the scarecrow competition the entertainment will include a dog show, live music and a variety of stalls.
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