Apr 1 2010 by Dave Goodban, Flintshire Chronicle
Easter raffle success at St Ethelwold’s Primary School, Shotton
A HOST of happy faces marked the end of term at St Ethelwold’s Primary School in Shotton after about 50-60 Easter prizes were given out to children.
School staff, parents and governors donated prizes, which were raffled off throughout last week to raise money for school funds.
Deputy headteacher Ann Lloyd Jones said a total of £120 was raised for the school’s parent teacher and friends association.
“We had a terrific response,” she said. “We’re delighted. There were a lot of happy children after the raffle prizes were given out.”
Pupils are also enjoying the new games donated to the school’s breakfast club.
Ms Lloyd Jones said the group, which meets before morning registration, is ‘wonderfully attended’ and said the children start the day off in the right way by eating healthy food prepared by cook Jenny Roberts and her team.