Dec 2 2010 by Francesca Elliott, Flintshire Chronicle
FLINTSHIRE Neighbourhood Watch Association’s Online Watch Link, or OWL, has reached the finals of the Network Wales Awards 2010 for ‘Best Communications’ nomination’.
The winners will be announced at an awards dinner in Cardiff today (Thursday).
OWL is a communications system Flintshire Neighbourhood Watch has been using to get information out to its watch co-ordinators and members. It sends out messages on recent incidents that have occurred in the area, helping to keep the residents of Flintshire andWrexham one step ahead of the criminal.
Messages are circulated to watch members by telephone, email, fax, mobile phone and letter, usually within minutes of an incident occurring.
Jackie Lee, OWL and watch administrator, said: “We are so pleased OWL has reached the finals of this prestigious competition.
“It’s great the system is being recognised as an effective method of getting important information out quickly and effectively.”
To find out more about OWL, contact Jackie Lee at the Flintshire Neighbourhood Watch Association by dialling 101 and asking for extension 84144, or dial 01352 708118. Alternatively, email