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Flintshire flu sufferers urged to stay away from A&E departments

FLU sufferers in Flintshire are being asked to stay away from A&E departments unless absolutely necessary.

Earlier this month Public Health Wales said rates of seasonal flu in Wales had doubled during December and eligible people should ask their doctor for the flu vaccination.

Now the body is also reminding people that unless their symptoms are very severe or they are pregnant or in an ‘at risk’ group, they can treat themselves at home without needing to visit already-busy A&E departments.

Dr Marion Lyons, consultant in disease control for Public Health Wales, said: “Although flu is unpleasant, it usually resolves itself within a week and it is not advised that patients visit their GP surgery or A&E department.

“This only risks spreading the infection to others, and it is unlikely that any medication will be prescribed in most cases.

“There are simple steps that patients can take at home to help themselves recover, and medical advice should only be sought if symptoms have not improved or are worsening after a week.

“If you do seek advice from your GP, you should ring in the first instance and not attend in person.”

Flu symptoms include a sudden fever, shivering, headaches, muscle aches and a dry cough.

Anyone with these symptoms should rest, drink plenty of fluids and take paracetamol. Adults can also take aspirin.

More information on flu is available from the Public Health Wales website, www.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/888/page/43745.
