Jan 19 2012 by Mark Dowling, Flintshire Chronicle
A CHESTER antiques dealer is preparing to compete against other experts in a new ITV series.
Mike Melody, who has more than 30 years experience in antiques dealing, will feature in the third series of Secret Dealers, a show which sees residents invite dealers into their homes to examine their treasured possessions.
Dealers do battle in private homes for items they can sell, inspecting houses and offering homeowners the chance to make money on their goods.
Mike, who had a successful Chester antiques dealership business until selling it in 2001, said of his role: “It’s my dream job, in a nutshell, I’m like a kid in a sweetie shop.
“It’s the best antiques show going because unlike other shows, where the goods are presented to the dealers, we get to look through the homes and seek the goods out for ourselves.
“I am in competition with other dealers, but it is all good natured, friendly banter.
“I am the only northern dealer on the show though, and I want to be able to show a thing or two to those southern softies! They have got the better antiques markets in the south but we have the goods.”
Blackpool-born Mike, who lives in Lower Kinnerton with his wife Margaret, added there is now a huge appetite for antiques goods and said there were still opportunities to profit from a good clear-out.
Mike, who has also made several appearances on ITV’s Dickinson’s Real Deal, said: “There aren’t as many antiques shops in Chester as there used to be, but there are still two big auction rooms, so there are ways of doing the business.
“I got into the antiques business when I bought a place in Liverpool Road with my wife. It was unfurnished so we just filled it with these old antiques.
“Five years later, when we came to sell the house, we put a small ad in the Chronicle. We made about as much money for the antiques alone as what we paid for them plus the house in the first place!
“It was then where I thought this could be a great job. You won’t make a fortune from this, but you could not find a better way of life.”
To apply for a place on the new series of ITV’s Secret Dealers, call 0117 970 7674 or email secretdealers@rdftelevision.com. Those willing to take part should have at least 12 quality antique items or collectables.