Feb 9 2012 by Kathryn Quayle, Flintshire Chronicle
A NEW superintendent has been appointed to take command of Flintshire following a review of last year’s cost-cutting changes put into place by North Wales Police.
Supt Jeremy Vaughan took responsibility for the role from February 1 and will also cover Wrexham.
Last May North Wales Police was forced to make savings of £16m after its budget was cut. In Flintshire, Deeside policing district merged with North Flintshire in a bid to reduce costs while minimising the impact on frontline services.
Now three superintendents have been appointed to cover North Wales but chief constable Mark Polin says the force is not going back on last year’s changes.
He said: “This is not a recreation of the old divisional system and will not result in any additional costs.
“What it is about is increasing accountability and responsibility and reinforcing our relationships with our partners, so together we can respond to the recent rises in crime we have seen in North Wales.
“One of the first tasks of area superintendents will be to look at policing for the areas and put forward proposals to improve local policing, with the same level of resources, by the end of February.
“It was also agreed that there will be some flexibility around shifts to ensure that local deployment is best matched to meet local demand.”
The review, which took into account the views of 250 officers and staff, revealed some aspects of the restructure were not working as well as was intended.
Mr Polin added: “Many aspects of the new structures and working arrangements are working well and are delivering real operational benefits.
“However, there are also some aspects that are not working as well as were intended and further changes are necessary. In some cases these changes are minor ‘tweaks’ to the existing arrangements, while in others more significant changes have been recommended and accepted.”
“We are committed to doing everything within our power to prevent crime in our communities, but clearly with over 130 fewer police officers and 112 fewer support staff, this will be a real challenge and we need the support of local people.”