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Buckley Leisure Centre in line for £1.1m redevelopment

BUCKLEY Leisure Centre is to be given a huge boost thanks to a redevelopment plan worth more than £1m.

A new extension comprising a fitness suite and dance studio will be built on the site at a cost of £1.1m – and will be ready by winter 2012.

The leisure centre, based at Elfed High School, already comprises a sports hall, swimming pool, squash courts, fitness and meeting rooms, gym, tennis courts and football pitches.

The renovation project will also mean improvements to the parking facilities – and more spaces.

Buckley councillor Dennis Hutchinson, Flintshire County Council’s executive member for leisure, believes the development will be welcomed by everyone in the town.

“It’s a significant investment,” he said. “Work will begin in the new year, or maybe even sooner.”

The development is part of a deal agreed with Alliance Leisure, which is funding a series of redevelopment projects at leisure centres across the county.

The cash will eventually be paid back by the county council.

“Buckley is a phase of a bigger project,” added Cllr Hutchinson.

“The first phase was Deeside Leisure Centre, the refurbishment of which will be finished this autumn.

“The second phase is Flint Pavilion, work on which will begin over the summer. Then it’s Buckley, then we’ll look at Mold and Holywell and then the smaller leisure centres.”
