Sep 13 2012 by Kathryn Quayle, Flintshire Chronicle
VOLUNTEERS who run an arthritis support group have been nominated for a Your Champions award.
Members of the Flintshire branch of Arthritis Care provide information and support for those suffering with arthritis, run social events for the group and fundraise for the charity.
Susan Webster of Dyserth has nominated the volunteers for the team category in the annual ScottishPower/Trinity Mirror Your Champions awards.
The group was started three years ago by Celia Drew – who has osteoarthritis – and its membership has continued to grow as more people join Celia to raise awareness of the services provided by Arthritis Care across North East Wales.
Susan said: “In November 2010 the members converted this small casual group into a fully constituted branch of Arthritis Care and, although not large in terms of numbers, it now has a strong committee who work hard to fundraise and to raise the profile of Arthritis Care.”
In 2011, former Alyn and Deeside MP Lord Barry Jones became the president of the group and the branch staged an Amble for Arthritis in Wepre Park, raising more than £1,000.
Susan added: “The branch has also set up monthly social meetings to address the isolation that comes with arthritis. They are supportive of members who are unable to attend regular meetings, producing a monthly newsletter sent out by email and post.
“With the help of Arthritis Care staff, Flintshire branch has set up a webpage. During the warmer months of the year the branch also set up and man information tables at supermarkets and shows or events.
“We provide clear and accurate information about arthritis. Flintshire branch gets that information out into the local community. They deserve to be called champions.”
To contact the Flintshire branch of Arthritis Care, call 07729 410666 or email